Speaking of porn, I just remembered somebody's big tits
...damn...those are huge...and she's only 20 years old...si o poza mai veche (maxim o luna cred) cu Angelina Jolie la o premiera, cu niste forme foarte....apetisante in zona bustului...Brad Pitt, please die and let me worship her!
- Be the best baseball player in town - your balls are alright but your bat needs alot of work!!!!!
- Turn the tool in your trousers into a power drill
Genius, genius I tell you...ar trebui sa ii angajeze pe oamenii astia sa lucreze in publicitate in Romania...ar scoate reclame mai bune decat astea de la televizor...rise from the dead...:D
Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper, Kane, Carlito, Mick Foley, Mr. Kennedy, Big Daddy V
Mark Henry, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay, Elijah Burke, Triple H, John Cena
si, ultima parte...cand se afla si castigatorul:
hope you enjoyed it...chit ca finalul era cam previzibil si cam fake LE: posibil ca sa fie niste diferente intre text si videoclip, pentru ca cele de pe youtube au fost scoase si le-am inlocuit cu unele de pe dailymotion, care par a avea diferiti timpi de rulare...oricum ordinea de intrare in lupta este aceeasi
Well, here goes nothing...cert e ca a fost amuzant...I laughed my ass off...in ordinea numerelor de pe tricou:
The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Santino Marella, Marele Khali
Hardcore Holly (funny name), John Morrison, Tommy Dreamer, Batista (we really like this guy...pacat ca oboseste cam usor), Hornswoggle (asta e un pitic irlandez care reuseste totusi sa il elimine pe The Miz), Chuck Palumbo, Jamie Noble
CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Umaga, Snitsky, Shelton Benjamin
O melodie tare misto... vocea tipului astuia mi se pare ca seamana cu cea a lui Bono (un mare plus pentru mine :D). Enjoy!
I can’t get it out of me It’s breathing Inside me It’s reaching inside of you You’re feeling infected You’re being infected It’s just like the cold A kiss on your lips Now you’re taking control
I feel like a criminal I’m falling apart We’re leaving for Venus In a getaway car Cause no one can save us There’s no need to try I’m looking for saviors before they all die
If you want to try and save me Then take my heart don’t hate me If you feel you can’t let go then let go If you feel you can’t let go then let go
I feel like a criminal I’m falling apart We’re leaving for Venus In a getaway car You say that you haunt me but you don’t really know You’re clinging to fingers But you got to let go
If you want to try and save me Then take my heart don’t hate me If you feel you can’t let go then let go If you feel you can’t let go then let go If you feel you can’t let go then let go