sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2013

vineri, 6 septembrie 2013

Big Bad Wolves (2013)

Big Bad Wolves - A paedophile has murdered several little girls, leaving their beheaded bodies behind. The police have a suspect, a religious teacher, who one girl claims that she might have seen him near one of the crime scenes, but no hard evidence. That's when one zealous officer and the father of one of the dead girls decide to take matters into their own hands and get a confession out of the suspect, by any means necessary. That's as much as I can say about the plot of the movie without giving away too much.

The movie is filmed very professionally (it's only their second feature film), there is a great opening scene of children playing and my favourite shots are those of the long corridor that leads to the basement of the house where most of the story takes place. The movie keeps you wondering if he's guilty or not until the very end, you'll probably change your opinion on him several times throughout the movie.The 3 leads are very expressive and do their jobs well, especially Gidin'ka, the father of the murdered child, who switches from torturer to a son who has to listen to his mother whining (you're killing me, Gidin'ka) in a matter of seconds.

The movie is good, probably a 7/10 in my book, but it's nothing you haven't seen before. It also has one big issue: it doesn't know if it wants to be a serious movie or a horror/torture comedy, one minute you're laughing at a confusion in the basement of torture, the next you're going: hey, why am I laughing when in the next second there is a guy being tortured without any evidence of his guilt? The funny moments are very funny, the torture scenes are pretty well done, just that I feel the movie could have been better if it was more towards the serious part.

Another small issue is that Miky, the cop, seems to have been modeled on Travolta's appearance in Grease, I kept expecting him to break into a song and dance at any point.

A similar recent movie, but much better, is the Danish The Hunt, starring Mads Mikkelsen, which focuses more on the serious side of life and the damage a simple accusation can do to a person. (this is only briefly touched  (heh, snigger)upon in BBW, in a classroom scene where it is shown the whole world believes him to be guilty).

7/10 (no boobies, could have been better, I am now curious about Rabies, the first feature film of the directors).

luni, 17 iunie 2013

The Act of Killing - Trailer

This could be the movie of the year

joi, 7 februarie 2013

Forklift Driver Klaus: First Day at Work

Un videoclip educational despre pericole la locul de munca, facut cu mult sange si umor

marți, 29 ianuarie 2013

joi, 24 ianuarie 2013

Eden Hazard loveste o minge de sub un copil de 17 ani care se asezase pe ea

 Sigur ca saracul are vreo 3 coaste rupte, un plaman gaurit si mandria stirbita pe veci. I used to like Swansea...

marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

Live-action Sleeping Dogs Trailer

Un joc foarte bun, te tine ocupat vreo 20 ore daca vrei sa faci cam toate side missions.

luni, 21 ianuarie 2013

luni, 14 ianuarie 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard - Trailer

Don't encourage him!

Nicolas Cage Complete Pachinko Commercials

Atunci cand se face mare, Horatio din CSI: Miami isi doreste sa fie Nic Cage

Warm Bodies


Am inceput anul cum l-am terminat: frecand duda la greu, odihna multa, jucat jocuri multe, filme cat se poate.

In decembrie am 7 zile muncite, restul concediu, inclusiv 7 zile prin Bavaria, poate se va urni Adi sa puna niste poze. In ianuarie, prevad ca muncesc toata luna , ca ai nostri parlamentari nu au de gand sa voteze 24 ianuarie ca zi libera decat peste inca vreo 3 ani, proiectul de lege fiind deja vechi de 2 ani si.

Am dormit mult in pauza Craciun-Revelion-revenit la munca pe 7 ianuarie. Am dormit mult si saptamana trecuta, dar saptamana asta am inceput bine cu trezit la 7:48 si ajuns la munca relativ devreme 9:30. Poate ma tine mai mult de o zi.

A fost Steam Winter Sale, am luat jocuri reduse 75-80% pe care le aveam in wishlist si pe care le voi juca in viitorul apropiat/never. Am avut si noroc sa prind reducere de 91% la Sleeping Dogs, joc de 50 euro luat cu 4.49 , si care joc a trecut in fruntea listei , ca deh, un joc de 50 euro am si eu. Am mai castigat niste jocuri pe Steamgifts, am mai si dat jocuri pe Steamgifts (community gives to you, you give back). A mai aparut si un alt site galagiveaways, cu un sistem mai ciudat, dar e inca la inceput, poate are viitor.

Daca ma urnesc saptamana asta, poate voi face si cateva review-uri la filme vazute in ultima vreme, filme care mi-au placut  (Ascensor catre esafod, Unman, Wittering and Zigo; The Sessions; Kon-Tiki )si poate si cateva filme proaste sau doar meh ( Django Unchained, Seven Psychopaths, Hairspray, Paranormal Activity 2,3).

Nu m-am uitat de placere sau curiozitate la Hairspray si PA 2, 3, ci pentru ca erau in niste liste pe icheckmovies si vroiam sa le pot bifa, chit ca am momente cand dau pe FFW filmele proaste. Meh, ce conteaza ca mai ratez cate o usa care scartaie sau pe Travolta cantand oribil...

Revin cu niste trailere pentru 2013.