Johnny Cash - We'll meet again
La revedere Pufica! O sa-ti ducem dorul toata viata...
Si continua cu descrierea unor piese de blues absolut... nu unice, ca-s mai multe asa, dar mai mult decat interesante.
Your grandparents are full of crap.
As they grumble about how rap music is destroying civilization, what they don't mention is that the blues they were listening to in the 30s and 40s could be every bit as violent, sexually explicit and sometimes just downright insane as the worst gansta rap has to offer. Compared to some of these vintage lyrics the members of N.W.A are levelheaded concerned citizens, and Eminem's a regular damned feminist.
Sometimes she gets unruly;
An she act like she just don't wanna do;
But I get my 22-20;
I cut that woman half in two;